
Monday, May 31, 2010

Favorite Books and laughter

It's time for another Monday Mingle.  I have actually taken a long break this week.  I really need to get better at blogging.  Where do all the moms find the time?

THIS WEEK'S QUESTIONS (submitted by Lauren from (Mis) Adventures in Theatre!):

1) What was your favorite childhood book?  What is your favorite book now?
2) Have you ever done Relay for Life/Race for the Cure/any sort of walk or run for a cause?  What made you do it?
3) What in the last month has made you laugh the hardest?

The name of the book series I was trying to remember was Alfred Hitchcock and the 3 Investigators.

Thank you to all the soldiers, past and present, for all you have done for us!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just another day..

I was supposed to post pics and videos of Ballet and Ethan's Party..
but I have been busy cleaning ..
getting the house back to normal..
today is Get your vlog on..
so of course I had to make a video..


Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24th Mingle

Time for the Monday Mingle once again.  It has been a crazy week.  Anna's ballet performance was this past weekend.  Ethan also celebrated his 3rd birthday.  I will do my best to post videos and pics this week.

THIS WEEK'S QUESTIONS (submitted by my friend Jeff) :
1. What product (under $100) do you wish you could review on your blog because you honestly just love it to death.
2. If you were to be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would it be and why?
3. What is your favorite feature about yourself? Worst?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mommy Rhapsody

After the day I had yesterday, this video made me smile!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dance, dance, dance

That is all that is on our minds right now.  It is taking over our lives.  3 hour rehearsals.. wow.  Tonight is another rehearsal.  Tomorrow dress rehearsal.  Saturday partial performance (opening and 1 dance), Sunday full performance (opening and 3 dances).  Our lives should go back to normal by Monday.  I hope to be back with videos.. whoo hoo. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Get your vlog on!

I really tried to make a decent vlog but things just kept happening.  So I kinda mixed a few things together.

Go checkout LizzieBTV and see what this is all about.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Physical and Emotional Challenges..

Time for another Monday Mingle..

THIS WEEK'S QUESTIONS (submitted by Mandy from I'd Rather Be Crafting ) :

1. What is the hardest *physical* thing you have ever done? (Giving birth, running a marathon, etc.)
2. What is one of the hardest things you have ever done emotionally? (Saying goodbye to a loved one, watching your babies grow up, etc.)
3. Name one thing from your bucket list - something you hope to achieve before you die.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Busy day..

Today was kinda of a busy day.. although almost two hours was just sitting at McDonalds.   Annaleah had a ballet rehearsal today.  There have been some intense practicing to get ready for her performance next Sunday.  After her rehearsal we had a 4 hour wait til it was time to pick up her pictures.  So we went to Borders and looked around during rehearsal.  After picking her up we headed to McDonald's so we could just kill time and let her play in the play area.

I was a bit frustrated with the place.. Hubby mentioned that I should really vlog about it.. and since I am trying to be more comfortable with the camera.. I decided to go ahead and just do it.

After leaving we headed to ToysRUs to pick up Ethan's birthday gifts.  I hope he likes them.  I still can't believe he is going to be 3!

Then we waiting in the parking lot til it was our time to go in and get the pics.  Now I was a bit nervous.  I know 2 years ago it cost us about 150.00 for her 2 classes.  This time she is in 3.  I budgeted about 200.. but prayed it wouldn't be that much.  I know I know.. you must think we are nuts!  That is alot of money on pics.  However, I can not sit and choose which ones I want to keep.. she looks good in all of them!

So we got our tickets that were pre-ordered.. Then got in line for the pictures.  When our turn came .. the lady put down 7 different poses (2 sheets each.. 1 8x10 and another with 1 3x5 and 4 wallets) and 3 group shots.  that is 17 sheets.  I was thinking.. "oh man, I am in trouble"  .. the lady said.. 400.00 for all.

I almost died. Then she said she was kidding.  127.00.  I said.. "for all?" .. yep.  "Ok, I will take it".. lol. Thankfully Angel was pleased as well.  When we got to the van I told him 400 is what she said.. and the look on his face was priceless.  He really wanted all poses and is very pleased with the price we paid.

I couldn't scan the pics so I tried to take a pic of the pic.. (confusing yet? lol) Here is just a few..

We are home now.. hubby is now sleeping because he has to work from about 1:30am til noon tomorrow I think.  He needs sleep.  Next week we will be busy with all the rehearsals .. dress rehearsals included.  I will be happy when this is over to be honest.  Although I do love her performance.. but I am grateful it is only every other year.

Thank you all for the prayers for my dad.  He is finally home and happy to be there.  He could definitely use more prayers as he is not completely healed.

I will leave you with a video of Ethan taken yesterday.  About 30 seconds after I shut off the camera his left hand was covered in paint.  He moves fast! 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Mother's Day

My Mother's day was a quiet one.  It started with me attacking my laptop.  It was running a bit slow so I decided to move all the past pictures to our external hard drive (The Book).  I have a habit of hoarding pics and I have alot of pictures.  Which took forever to transfer..

While the files were transferring I decided to make breakfast.  I knew that I would be alone this morning because my hubby worked all night til about 6am.. and my son didn't get home from work til around 3am.  So I made myself some eggs, sausages, hash browns and english muffins. 

It is rare that I get big breakfast these days.  So it was nice. Oh and of course hot cocoa to go with it all.

After the family woke it was time get ready for a friend's birthday at the ice rink.  Anna had been there once, over a year ago.. but had used the kiddie bar.  This time she was too big and was going to have to try on her own.  The funny thing was digging out the hat and gloves..

She still does that Sailor Moon pose.. lol

She did a great job at the rink.  I ended up taking a few small video clips.  I am so proud of her.

The birthday boy received a water gun from us.. a huge one.  I loved that he just wanted to use it right then and was kind of funny to watch is mom trying to convince him he has to wait.. and he is still grabbing every opportunity to snatch that gun.. Mom did win though.. and soon he was asking me where it was.  You just gotta love little boys. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I have a bit of catching up to do..

As I sit here typing.. I hear Anna pretending with Ethan.  They are pretending they are in the water with crocodiles.  I just love listening to them play.. that is when they are not arguing and playing at the same time.. lol.

Here is a vid of them playing with the playdoh together..

Anna had an interesting school day.. first I had been fighting with my laptop.. which seems to be better right now.  Then I did a rushed Monday Mingle.  By the time we started school.. we were a bit late.  So I decided to shake it up a bit.  I wrote a numbered list of each subject. Then took out 9 cards (A-9) and she had to pick a card.. whichever card she picked.. that was our next subject.  She was so aiming for Science each time.  She always does a great job when we switch off the normal school routine!

I have been feeling a bit spoiled this week.  My wonderful camera has been acting up for awhile.. so I have been researching for a new one.  However I can not afford one with a 12x optical zoom like the one I have.  So I bought a smaller camera to substitute.  I plan on having someone look at my other camera and using the Fuji Finepix z70.  It is so cute and takes great pics!  I will continue to use the older camera for those times when zooming is a must.  So I have been having fun checking out the new cam.  Last night we picked up a mini tripod and an extra battery.. I have to have battery backups.. there is nothing worse than your battery dying when you are out and about.

Anna posing for the new cam. 

My hubby decided he wanted to start vlogging.. He is just too funny.  So he got himself a Logitech c9000.  Much better than mine.. but that is ok.  He always gives me the best he can.. It is his turn to enjoy.

Saturday I was finally able to go visit my dad.  I got a few pics but none of him directly.  He really doesn't like cameras and I wanted him to be as relaxed as possible.  He was a little upset because he wanted to go home.  However the sutures are in bad shape.  They were opening in some sections and appear to be infected.. So he had no choice but to stay.  He is really serious about not going to rehab.  He wants to do it all at home.

While we were visiting my Uncles decided to bring my gram.  She had been wanting to visit my dad.  It was really sweet to watch them.. She just stood there holding his hands or touching his feet.. anything she could do to let him know that she was there.

Mom, Nana, Uncle Nicky and Anna
We can't leave out Silly Uncle Chris! 

We visited for about 3 hours before heading home.. so of course.. we got hungry.  We don't have a good Korean place near us.. so we just had to stop at Sura's.  The one thing I don't like about going out for Korean.. nothing for Anna.  After talking to the waiter we decided on Udon Noodle soup.. of course all she ate was the noodles.. there was no way she was touching the seafood stuff inside.  sigh.. 
And being the crazy family we are.. and me having a new cam.. I had to record it. 

I would love to post more.. but I will just leave you with this video of Anna.  She wrapped a present for a friend's birthday party and just had to make a video.  Totally her idea!

Now I must go since our dinner (shepherd's pie) is ready and there are school things still on the table! 

Monday Mingle..

I am behind.. again. 
I did have one posted and uploaded yesterday but it was really choppy! 
Turns out my laptop seems to be overheating.. 
So I posted a quick one this morning. At least I tried! 

THIS WEEK'S QUESTIONS (submitted by Eighty MPH Mom) :

1. Currently, what are your top 3 favorite television shows?
2. What is one restaurant you wish you had in your area?
3. What do you feel is the toughest part of being a parent (even if you aren't one!)?

Here is the Mingle my daughter wanted to do.. (she begged and begged!) 
I think she is a natural!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Right now I am alone. I have been alone for about 3 hours now. Most moms would say.. wow! How Awesome! I wish I can be alone..

I can not say the same..

I don't like being alone at all!

Yes, ok.. first thing in the morning.. I like it.. but it is only for an hour or two. I can handle an hour or two.. I can't handle 3 hours..

I am feeling lonely

Even at night.. if Angel is working or sleeping.. I get lonely. I even cry.. Angel doesn't even understand this. I don't think anyone does.

It is too quiet.
I don't want to turn on the tv
I have spent the last three hours watching things on You Tube..
like an old episode of Dawson's creek
and a video put together for the last episode..
which made me cry.

Yep, I am odd
I don't like being alone.

Someone please come home soon!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Another Late Monday Mingle

THIS WEEK'S QUESTIONS (submitted by Erin from Mrs. Cox's Slice o' Heaven!):

1. If you had the financial ability to donate $100,000 to a charity, which would it be and why?
2. Have you given money to a panhandler before?
3. Have you ever given your time at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, etc. ?

The Smile Train

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Dad..

This is my dad...
He is the strongest man I know...
and also the most compassionate.

He went to the hospital to have surgery on a tumor in his leg..
that he had for 30 years..
There was no cancer (Praise God!)
he was supposed to go to rehab..
but they wouldn't take him..
because he was already walking soon after the surgery
so they sent him home.
all was well
til a week after the surgery..
He started acting weird... Like he was totally drugged up
dizzy when standing
his blood pressure was going down..
the visiting nurse was even worried..
I made dad promise me he would call the doc first thing in the morning.
But we should have taken him that evening before heading home.
Next morning mom found him in a really bad state.
Ambulance was called..
Long story short.. his kidneys failed
and all the meds were not filtering out.
His body was highly toxic

We almost lost him..

But you see.. my dad is a fighter
and prayers were sent from every corner
Before they could do dialysis, his kidneys started working again
He has been made to sleep for a few days.. and he is coming out of it now
and the first thing my dad did when he woke..
was fight to get out of bed..
thankfully the nurse and mom calmed him down
but I just have to smile
cause my dad is coming back again

Seeing my dad like that was the scariest thing ever!
As I sit here and shed tears..
I am thankful that the Lord is not ready to take him home yet..
Cause we all still need him here with us. 

I love you Dad!