
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Simon Flash

Our family loves board games.  Every school vacation my nieces come and spend a week with us.  We play lots of games together.  We love all kinds of games from board games to card games.  Lately, my grandson has also been really into learning new games.  Just last week we taught him how to play Monopoly Junior.  This game used to be his daddy’s game when he was just a little boy. 

Robyn over at robynsonlineworld has just reviewed Simon Flash and has a giveaway on her blog.  Go check it out!  I know this is a game that we would love to play. 

SIMON Flash Game

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Anna’s First Dance Performances of the year

It has been a really crazy weekend.  On Friday night Anna had dance rehearsal to start off the busy year.  My plan was to go shopping but honestly I was having way too much fun watching the girls.  Ethan was having fun snapping pics on his Nintendo DS before he got completely bored.  When Anna finally got up to dance, Ethan shouted loudly, “Hi Anna!” Of course everyone laughed. 

Saturday was performance day.  I am always a mess before these things. 

“Do you have your shoes?”

“Put the tights on with tan first, then pink, then trouser socks.”

“We need to do your bun.”

“What’s taking so long?”

“You only have 1 tights on!”

“Come on!  I need to do your bun!”

“We are running out of time, Anna”

“Are the tights on correctly?  Tan, pink then socks?”

Finally get in the van

“You have all your shoes right?”

“Tights are on in the right order right?”

Yes, I am a maniac.  At the second nursing home I was starting up again as she was changing.  I asked her if she wanted me to leave.. she nodded yes.  Oh the poor girl!  She did an awesome job, though.  I don’t think I ruined her….yet.  She was totally embarrassed in one of the dances.  Her top came down exposing her camisole but we told her.. That is what the camisoles are for.  One of the ladies made her feel better with a few dancer stories to share. 



This is my favorite dance.  It was called Frames.



After the dances, the girls go around and meet the residents of the nursing homes. 



The lady in this picture was asking Anna about school.  Anna’s response, “I don’t go to school.”  Long pause “I am homeschooled”  I can just imagine what the lady must have been thinking during that pause.

I was reading her lips as she was talking to another lady.  She said “I have been dancing for 5 years, I don’t need to practice”

I loved it when she told me that one lady said she was dancer for 11 years.  She told Anna that she should never quit, even if it kills her.  LOL!


Hanging out after the final Saturday performance.

On Sunday, Anna got to do it all over again.  After the nursing home, the girls headed off to another place to sing Carols and give gifts.  I just loved watching the faces of the residents as the girls danced.  One lady was all into it, just singing and dancing along.  At the place where they sang carols, there was one guy in the back they just sang along with them.. every single song.  Never missed a beat.  I am so glad these girls can just brighten up someone’s day like that. 

Finally we dropped Anna off at the teachers home with a big crock of sloppy joes for a holiday party.  Only dancers allowed.  Angel and I headed over to Burger King and just sat there reading and talking til it was time to pick her up.  We would have preferred going someplace else for steak but finances just don’t allow it these days.  We are just glad Anna had a great time! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Black Friday Mingle

1. Did you do Black Friday or Cyber Monday shopping? Tell us about it!
2. Have you finished most of your holiday shopping?
3. Does your family have any holiday traditions?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Military Spouse?

If you just came over here from Trooppetrie's Blog, you may be a bit confused.  No I am not currently a military spouse but I was for a short while.  My husband served his 20 years in the military.  He was active for 4 years, then continued in the Army Reserves.  When I met Angel in 1994, he was coming into RI, once a month to stay with his brother on the weekends he had drill.  We were married in 1999 and he retired in 2005.  I do remember just before he retired, there was a concerned that his unit could be deployed.  I remember being really nervous and now knowing how I could manage without him.  I have a lot of admiration and respect for military families.  I have often wondered what would have happened if Angel had continued in the service.  He has often wished he was still active.  For those military families who have come through the link on the blog above, I want to say Thank you!  Thank you for all you do, and the sacrifices you make for the rest of us.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Mingle

1. What did you and your family do for Thanksgiving?

2. What is your favorite way to use Thanksgiving leftovers

3. Fill in the blank: “I really wish I hadn’t eaten so much _______________ on Thanksgiving.


Random Thoughts

I am just a jumble of thoughts today.  So here it goes..

  • Angel’s IV filter removal went really well!
  • We had a week off with dance, which was really nice. 
  • We spent Thanksgiving at my mom’s.
  • IMAG0603
  • Mainly because our oven doesn’t really work
  • I called her the day before to remind her how to keep the turkey gluten free.
  • The day of Thanksgiving she wasn’t thinking and stuffed the turkey
  • with regular stuffing
  • so I couldn’t eat the turkey
  • or the gravy..
  • Sad smile
  • I survived though.  Even after I helped her debone the turkey and put it away
  • Had a great time with the family too! 
  • I missed Jade terribly!
  • IMAG0605
  • She is growing too fast! 
  • We had fun with Mike’s jokes. 
  • Lots of laughter all around.
  • Friday we got a few deals later in the day. 
  • We had a friend of Anna’s stay over from Friday til yesterday.
  • Also had to pick up ballet shoes for Anna
  • 30.00!! 
  • I detest the need for money!
  • Right now I keep getting cyber Monday emails..
  • I can’t look.. still costs money.. Sad smile
  • This is what we spotted on our outing..
  • IMAG0610
  • I want that dog! 
  • We did have a great weekend though!
  • More laughter
  • Especially when Anna was over tired and freaking out at the kitten
  • Wish I had taken a video!
  • She was standing on the couch crying.. the kitten was on the floor stalking her.. Kitten jumped on couch, she screamed loud.  Kitten freaked and ran to the basement. 
  • We could not stop laughing!  Poor Anna. 
  • About 5 min later kitten tried to come back.  Anna was calming down on my lap. 
  • Kitten comes up looking skittish.. Anna spots her looking at her and screams again
  • kitten runs back down
  • poor kitten..
  • It was obviously time for bed!
  • I tried to buy a turkey
  • It was almost 3.00 a pound.
  • went for a chicken instead. 
  • Angel put a rock under our heating element to keep it in place
  • seemed to work, oven stayed on
  • chicken was great.  Not turkey but still great.
  • Today is Monday…
  • which means back to school and dance. 
  • Always a lot of cleaning to be done after a lazy weekend too. 
  • Off to work I go…
  • Happy Monday!
  • I leave you with one more picture..
  • IMAG0601

Monday, November 14, 2011

October Happenings… It’s been crazy!

I don’t think I have done a single update on Angel in quite a while.  The last two months have been rather busy.  I decided to do a brief outline of all the happenings in October.  I apparently forgot how busy it really was!  So thankful it ended on a happy note! 

Wed, October 5th – Buried Gram.  Realized something was wrong with van.

Thurs, October 6th – Canceled doc appt due to van issues

Fri, October 7th – Received a call from hospital...  They don't like his liver numbers and want him to go to the hospital Monday for a liver ultrasound. 

Sat, October 8th – took van in to get checked on.  Angel had to walk to and from Anna’s dance studio and they sat there all day.  2200.00 to repair.  Had to get bare minimums done since we didn’t have it.  So roughly 1200.00. 

Sun, Oct 9th – Birthday party at neighbors for their one year old.  So cute!  Think the deviled eggs I thought was safe, had dairy.  Sad smile

Mon, Oct 10th – Went to hospital for an ultrasound.  They didn’t get back to us til we had no choice but to leave to get to Anna’s dance.  On the road they called and told us it looked like his vein had gotten narrow and they needed to do a procedure to widen it.  They told him to be in Glastonbury the next morning.  When I looked up the procedure, it looked like a complicated thing that required a driver.  I totally over reacted and we had a bad night.

Tues, Oct 11th – I stayed home while Angel and David went to procedure.  He was at the wrong place.  Turned out they only did a cat scan to see the vein better.  Whew! 

Wed, October 12th – I went to audiologist appointment.  Had another hearing test done and found out my hearing is getting significantly worse. 

Thurs, October 13th,

Angel went for his doctor's appointment today.  The blood seems to be flowing fine.  However they can't see the vein properly because of the clips that are in his body from surgery.  They still don't like the numbers so they want to do a liver biopsy to make sure there is no rejection going on.  As for the vein, apparently during the transplant they had to graft the vein together and now it looks like there is possible shrinkage.  They want to get a closer look with another procedure.  Both procedures can be done as an outpatient however, because he is on Coumadin, he would bleed out.  So they want to admit him in the hospital for 4 days to control the Coumadin, and then get him back on after the procedure.  

Angel told them this was not possible with work.  So they decided another method.  They are mailing him a package that will have filled needles.  He will give himself shots for a few days.  These shots will keep his blood thin but not have the same affect as the Coumadin.  He will then go in for the procedure as an outpatient on either the 26th or the 27th of this month.  After the procedure he will continue to do the shots til the Coumadin takes effect again. 

Found out Health insurance will not pay for a lot of my bloodwork I had done or the new doctor I am seeing. 

Mon, Oct 24th

went the hospital today so they could show him out to give himself a shot before his Liver biopsy and angiogram on Thursday. I asked them about a protruding spot on his stomach. Turns out he has a hernia caused from the incision during surgery. It can be removed maybe next spring unless it starts to cause pain.


Wednesday, Oct 26th

Angel went to his vascular appointment today. They found no blood clots!! They will be taking the IV filter out on November 17th. This is really good news!

Thurs, Oct 27th

Angel’s brother took him to the hospital for the procedures.  He was supposed to have the angiogram and the liver biopsy.  Due to a problem with taking Coumadin yesterday, they did not want to do the biopsy.  After having to lay flat for 6 hours the liver doc came in and tried to do the biopsy through a scar tissue.  Failed.  Need to reschedule. 

Thursday, November 10th,
We received incredible news. The plans for a liver biopsy was cancelled. His numbers are the best they have ever been! He will continue to have the IV Filter removed on Thursday. Thank you so much for all your prayers! It will be a year this month since his cirrhosis was discovered and it has been 6 months since his liver transplant. God is truly amazing!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Fill Ins…

I decided to check out some memes today. 

1. Turkey is __Delicious___.
2. _I want Cherry, peach or apple___ pie.
3. On and on and on we go __Where it ends, nobody knows___.
4. The last time I saw __one of my best friends, was 12 years ago, thankfully we still keep in touch___.
5. Can you believe __Christmas is almost here___.
6. I need a __complete day all to myself___.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __bedtime, I have no reason to wake up at 6 in the morning___, tomorrow my plans include __taking my daughter to dance and shopping as usual___ and Sunday, I want to __do absolutely nothing___!

Coconut Cookie Dough Oatmeal = Yum!!

cookie dough oatmeal

Look at that picture!  I found this recipe over at  It was delicious.  Next time I will added some shredded coconut to the mix.  The one thing I am learning through this dietary change, isn’t so much what I can’t eat.. but all the new things I can it! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

23 years ago.....

23 years ago.. I became a mom.. 
it was the most unbelievable and fantastic journey ever.. 

not to mention scary.   

When I finally got to hold this precious baby.. 

I was over whelmed with so many emotions.. 

There was no other feeling that could compare.. 

I am amazed at how fast time flies.. 
Wasn't he a cutie?
Being a single mom definitely was interesting.. 

David was my entire life.. there was nothing I would not have done for him. 
Having David in my life has been a huge blessing. 
 He has taught me so many things through the years.   

Happy 23rd Birthday, David!  We love you!  

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cooking Day

It’s been a really long time since I have posted.  So many things have been going on.  It’s been a really tough few weeks and I know I am going to want to post it here.  However, not tonight.  Tonight I just wanted to share how I spent my day. 

I spent most of my day in the kitchen.  I made

  • Hummus from scratch
  • Brown rice to keep in fridge
  • Potato Salad
  • Homemade Tator Tots
  • Started process to sprout mung beans. 
  • Got Chicken prepared to make rice wraps tomorrow.

It doesn’t look like much but when you are uses dried chickpeas, the process takes a long time.  I am wiped.  Not to mention all the dishes I had to keep up with.  I am proud to say, all dishes have been washed and I am ready for a new day.  The tator tots did not go so well.  They were falling apart during cooking.  I have done about half the batch (although I lost a lot) and the other half is in the freezer in ball form.  I think freezing them will make it easier to cook.  I don’t think I will be trying this again. 

Well now I am off to bed.  Tomorrow is a brand new day. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Gluten and Dairy free for a week!

I made it past the first week.  Not without some emotional upsets and frustrations though.  I have been more creative with my meals, which is kind of awesome.  Last night I attempted to stay up late and do some cleaning.  During that time I also decided to update by video.  I can’t believe I talked for 10 minutes though.  I think I talk a bit too much.  hmm… 

Anyways, if you are interested in my update.. here it is. Sorry for the video lag. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rough Night…

Last night Annaleah had her 2.5 hours of dance classes.  Dinner was going to be tough.  I decided to make some spring roll wraps filled with spicy chicken salad.  As we rushed out the door and started down the road I realized, I had forgotten the wraps at home.  We left at 5pm.  This meant no eating til 8:30pm. 

Angel had already planned to get himself a burger or two at McDonalds.  I tried racking my brain to see what I could eat.. hmm.. grill chicken salad should be fine.  I know the croutons are in separate little bags. 

I get up front and ask the cashier, “Do you put cheese on your salads?”.  She responds, “yes we do”. 

“Can I have mine without cheese??”

“Our salads are premade”

“Oh, nevermind. Two apple dippers please” 

Angel looks at her and says.. “Cancel the order.”  and walks out. 

I am stunned.. I keep telling him to get himself his burgers.  I don’t want him to go hungry.. He refuses and takes me arm as we walk out.. I can just image the people’s reaction behind us. 

Angel decides we should just get a salad at ShopRite.  I don’t remember there being salad bars there but I am not going to say anything.  I did notice they have prepackaged salad (with cheese of course), but no salad bars in sight. 

I continue with my shopping.. Could not find Udi bread anywhere (and there have a gluten free section that is three aisles long).  Shopping was really difficult.  I did end up finding Gluten free bisquick and just decided to get that.  Although it was over 5.00 for a tiny box!  I also did not find any gluten/dairy free frozen treats there .. Sad smile 

After shopping, Angel mentioned Chinese food.  I searched my brain for something I may be allowed to eat.  I know I can’t have soy sauce.  I decide on an order of boneless ribs praying it is safe for me.  So we order.. then pull up to Anna’s dance studio.  It is now 7:30.  We have about 45 minutes to eat.. However, they did not pack us a fork.  So we didn’t get to eat til 8:48pm. 

I know things will get easier with time.. Gotta think positive! 

Monday, September 19, 2011

A New Journey

I decided to see a Homeopathic Doctor recently.  I have not seen my regular doctor for about 3 years.  Just got tired of not being listened to.  This doctor was great.  She listened to everything I said and decided that bloodwork was the first thing to do.  I have had bloodwork before but not like this. 
Results came in… 
  • no celiac
  • liver functioning great! 
  • cholesterol good – although good cholesterol should be raised a bit
  • very anemic
  • very low Vit. D – 14 when it should be in the 70’s
  • calcium a bit low
  • thyroid a little on the high side
  • Low folate and B12
  • Positive for Candida
  • slight allergy to soybeans and corn
  • Very allergic to gluten and Dairy! 

Seriously??  Allergic to gluten and dairy!  This is going to be hard! 

Plan of Action: 
no wheat or dairy, period
10 times the amount of Vit D for 2 months
b complex vitamins as well as the extra b6 I have
High Iron Diet
MSM to help with bone pain and anti-histamine for my seasonal sickness

After all my mineral are up we will start attacking the candida which can take 4-6 weeks in some cases 3 months.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Homeschool Journal

I was roaming through a friend’s blog when a post caught my eye.  I headed over to the original site and thought I should try it out.  I have been so lacking in blogging these days.  I can use all the help I need. 
The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this week… we have been busy with recovery from Hurricane Irene and unexpected hospital trips.  We lost power for a full week after Irene hit.  I fought to save our food in the deep freezer.  We pretty must lost everything in the fridge.  We have no way to restore these items at the moment.  I just checked the freezer today and it is frozen solid on the bottom from the ice bags on top melting during the outage. 
As for Angel, his white cells are really low.  He had to go in twice for a shot of white blood cells and then his normal appointment on Thursday.  A lot of unexpected driving for sure. 
My Grandson also started preschool this week and I picked him up yesterday.  He was not happy to see me which led to me explaining who I was to the teacher.  Just love those little 4 year old mood swings. 
In our homeschool this week…we started out slow.  Tuesday we took a list of all the subjects and new books.  I had Anna help me plan out the day and we looked through each book and introductions.  She is a bit behind in the Math program but we decided to do a times table review all week.  I believe if she can get this down then it would be much easier to do her division problems.  I think it was a productive week.  Next week will be a bit more work.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…is to just stick with it.  If you end up behind in an area, don’t fret.  This is something I struggle with big time.  I am learning to just take a step back and re-evaluate the situation.  This is the beauty of homeschooling.  We do not have to be on such a strict schedule.  This is where we tend to lose the joy of schooling.
I am inspired by…other bloggers who homeschool.  They always amaze me with their dedication.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…we have not really seen many people this week.  Tonight is Annaleah’s first dance class.  She had a meeting this week for the dance company she is in now.  It is a bit overwhelming but I know she is going to love it.  She will learn so much in dance and character building.  We are hoping the weather will cooperate this weekend for the Ledyard Fair.  We have not been in a while. 
My favorite thing this week was…hard to pinpoint.  It has been a tough week.  I think my favorite thing though was being able to sit and look at Anna’s newletters for US History and Science.  Through these lessons I realized that she is alot like me.  I was able to help her with some tips for comprehending what she was reading.  It brought back a lot of memories from my reading comprehension struggles as a child.
What’s working/not working for us…amazingly, we have been able to just pick up everything and school on the road.  On Wednesday, when Angel got the call to head to the hospital asap.. it only took a few minutes to make some photocopies and pack up a folder for the van.  Anna did schooling two days in a row in the van and managed to finish it all.
Questions/thoughts I have…are just turning around in my head.  It’s chaos in there.
Things I’m working on…organizing things.  Everything around me needs organizing and I really not succeeding at this time. 
I’m reading…way too many romance novels.  Sadly I have not been doing my morning devotions.  I really need to get my priorities straight. 
I’m cooking…very little right now.  With our fridge practically empty and most of our meat gone thanks to Irene, meals have been difficult. 
I’m grateful for…life and family.  Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without my family.  I am so grateful that Angel is still here with us. 

I’m praying for…those in our area still without power.  Also the many others that were affected by hurricane Irene. 

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Annaleah got her hair stuck in a comb.  Somehow she thought it was wise to wrap it???
Thankfully Daddy was able to cut the comb and save the hair!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Toilet that won’t flush.

We have been having issues with our toilet for quite some time now.  When we got back after our two month stay in the hospital, it was really bad.  After getting the situation under control, we had to keep a close eye on it constantly.  Imagine, every time you flush you have the plunger in hand, waiting. 

I had just checked out FlyLady again for the hundredth time. I saw an email of someone praising the HeyTom Clog Cannon


After showing it to hubby, he said to order it right away.  So I did.  Although the site says to expect it in two weeks, we received it a week later.  After attempting to use it .. took a few tries.. this pops out of the toilet. 



Now I know what the penny is.. but have no clue what the rocks are from.  The penny though is really thin.  I placed it side by side next to another penny..



No clue what the rocks are.. but for now.. the toilet is flushing. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bottled juices...

We are on the road, heading to Hartford for Angel's bi-weekly appointment.  We stopped to grab egg sandwiches and juice.  I noticed they did not have regular Orange juice. Angel insisted I try on of the mixed juices.

I am not a juice person at all. Aside from orange juice, I drink no juice or koolaide. Not even lemonade. My beverage is iced water, occasionally soda.  Milk once in a while but mostly with cereal.

So I try the strawberry berry juice pictured below.  Nope. One sip was enough. I think angels peach mango was better but I still wouldn't buy it.  Am I the only one that has a problem with bottled juices? 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I can’t believe it’s been 12 years!

Twelve years ago, I walked down the aisle and vowed to spend my life with Angel.  Now, I am so grateful that he is still by my side.  Thankful the Lord granted us more time together. 

We decided we really needed to go out.  We went out to eat at Ruby Tuesday.  We had not been there in quite some time.  The food was pretty good.  Sometimes however, I wish we could find some really good hot wings.  These were not it. 

Angel had lobster tail and steak with onion rings and mashed cauliflower.  His dietitian told him he should try some since potatoes are very high in potassium. 

I had herb crusted tilapia, asparagus and white cheddar mashed potatoes.  I also tried some of the lobster tail since I have never eaten lobster. 

It always amazes me when they ask if we want desert.  We have only had desert maybe twice in a restaurant.  Seriously, we always leave really full! 

Next Angel wanted to see Cowboys and Aliens. 


Isn’t that romantic?  Sigh.  However, I will admit.. it was really good and it was even better when Harrison Ford’s grumpy character gave that half smile I love so much.  Oh yes, I had a crush on him when I was a kid.  I think it is time to introduce Anna to Star Wars.  :-) 

It was really nice to just spend a nice time alone with Angel for a change.  I wish we could do it more often. 

Could anything else go wrong???

Yesterday was just one of those days.  It started off when I turned on my computer and it told me there was a problem and started scanning my disk drives.  Lovely.  After that it was just hours of error messages and window failure.  I tried scanning for viruses but the windows errors kept interrupting and it would reboot the entire system.  Seriously?? 

I have been having some problems for awhile now.  Whenever I did a search on the links would direct me to ads.  I had to stop using google and go to yahoo (not my favorite thing to do).  I had done all the scans and there was still an issue.  I guess now it is time to completely redo my laptop.  Sigh. 

I spent the entire day moving over files, pictures, documents, etc.  Uninstalling programs.  I have no clue where half of those programs even came from!  Sometimes the computer would just reboot on it’s own.  I just kept on trying.  I did not want to lose anything!  It was a pain and there were times where I yelled at the machine.  Ok, many times.  It was a bit frustrating! 

Then it was time to make dinner.  BBQ chicken sounded really good.  Looks good too! 

I did all the prep and got that in the oven.  After 15 minutes I re-basted and set to cook for 45 minutes.  Then I went back to working on the computer. I got up and started the corn.. checked on the chicken and noticed the oven was off.  Uh oh.. did I accidently shut it off when I re-basted the chicken??  hmm.. Ok.. late dinner.  Restart oven and go back to my computer.

After 45 min I go back (don’t know why I didn’t bother earlier) and once again the oven is off.  Seriously!!  It is now like 7pm.  So I start the grill.. in the rain btw.  I am not a good cook when it comes to the grill.. either everything cooks too fast or too slow.  well.. I burned the chicken.. whatever, take the skin off, right.  As I go to put the chicken on the plate and it slides off.. I try to do some acrobatic type move to catch the chicken in mid-air while screaming “NOOOO!!!!”  Well, of course, I missed! 

Now I am really ticked during this entire thing.  I went and heated some rice and tried to calm myself down.  We all sat at the table and I decided to just cut into a chicken to see how it looked.. Red.. in the middle.  Of course mom and Anna are like.. we can just eat the outside.. NO!  Do not touch the chicken. 

We ran to the store and picked up a cooked whole chicken, reheated everything and ate.  Last night as we went to bed I asked Angel if he could cook dinner for tonight.  Thankfully he said yes. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Catching up….

I am sitting here playing Pet Shop Monopoly with my mom and Annaleah.  They can be insane when playing this game.  I figure it may be a good time to do some catching up on here.  I am failing miserably at posting regularly.  Where should I start?? 
We have been behind in this area due to Angel’s two month hospital stay.  We did catch up a bit on Math since I feel it is a very important subject, but that alone was stressing us out.  We decided to stop.  We will play some math war games to review the times tables.  I was mostly stressing because I had no materials for next year.  We had missed the convention and I had no clue what I was going to use.  Math is easy.  We love Math-U-See. 
After some serious researching (I just love scouring reviews) I decided to go with Painless Jr. Grammar and Ignite your Writing to go along with our Language Arts Program.  Now my other problem was Social and Science.  I found some awesome weekly newletters for students.  An entire year of Science or Social.  The Science covers 96% of our State’s requirements.  Anna is going to love this.  She will need to cover 8 weeks in division before starting on this years Math book, but we are fine with that.  I think this is going to be a good year. 
New Dance Year:
This is a recital year for Anna’s Dance Studio.  This will be her 3rd recital.  I can’t believe this is going to be her 6th year dancing.  She is now officially old enough to try out for the Dance Ensemble also.  This group dances at nursing homes and various benefits.  Last year they got to train with the Rocketts in NYC.  This is just a wonderful opportunity for the dancers. 
Last Friday, Anna went to audition.  She was very nervous!  Once we arrived, she would not let go of my arm.  One of the older girls came over and asked Anna if she would like to warm up with them.  This helped Anna tremendously.  She got her shoes and went to join them in the room. 
Picasa Content
They actual audition required them to follow along with one of the teachers in Ballet, Tap and Jazz, while the rest of the teachers observed.  Anna did not think she did well at all.  We would not know how she did til Monday morning. 
Angel decided we all needed to go out to eat so we headed to Gus Pizza.  I ordered fish and onion rings (instead of chips)  which was huge.  Anna ordered spaghetti and meatballs and Angel got a hamburger platter. 
Saturday Morning, my brother brought my mom in for the week.  We were sitting around chatting when Angel’s phone rang.  Someone asking for Anna.  Turns out it was Miss Maggie.  A huge smile spread out on Anna’s face.  She made it!!