I honestly don’t know where to start. I have been unmotivated to blog since we have gotten home. We have had so many mishaps since arriving home. Thankfully our toilet seems to flush (although we have to be very careful) and we have stopped the leaking in the fridge. Unfortunately that means manually making ice (It’s been almost 10 years since I have had to do that.. LOL). The microwave no longer works. The funny thing is I thought.. hey. don’t need it. But then you have leftover rice and think.. hmm.. how am I going to reheat it? What did I do before the microwave. I think that was like 20 years ago! I can’t remember! sigh.
Since Angel came home after the initial 7 weeks or so in the hospital, he has been back twice. Both times for a fever due to UTI. The second time the bacteria went into his blood. The Transplant team tried to get the Urologist to remove the stints, but the urologist like to wait til after the bacteria is gone, which clearly isn’t going to happen. It took the Infectious Disease doc to get urologist to do the procedure. Since then Angel has been home and doing very well. He is gradually getting stronger. I could not be with him during the last hospital stay and that was torture.
Since then we have had quite a few visitors. First his mom came to stay with us for about 10 days. During that time his brother Abe also visiting with his daughters. There was alot of discussion about helping us with the yard, pool and garage but that hasn’t happened. I guess it is something I will have to do on my own since even David can’t be around much. He also go a visit from his Uncle David, Uncle Peewee and his wife. Then his dad and stepmom came last Friday. It has been really nice to see everyone. Although I have not been motivated to keep the house really clean.
This past weekend we went to see Harry Potter finally. Very good, at the edge of my seat, movie. We also managed to do some shopping at Walmart and emissions test done on the van. Angel says he feels well enough to start grocery shopping. I hope that is true since I really do not want to order peapod anymore. They just don’t have everything we buy and I end up paying more for things or having to miss out. I am not faithful to one store. We also tried ShopRite’s delivery but they charge a bit more than peapod.
The medical bills are a bit over whelming. I have this spreadsheet and we pay a little to each bill. There are over 12. Well this week 3 new bills came in (for the hospital stay in april/may) and one had a bunch more stuff added. So now the total is up 800 more than last month. Pretty frustrating!
I think that is all my rambling mind can think of for now. I am going to start our dinner (pasta and meatballs). I kinda miss alot of the online world and hopefully my motivation with come back soon.
I can’t Thank everyone enough for the the prayers during this time.