The last few weeks have been more exciting then I would like. It started off with Angel developing a fever and a cough. For him, any fever over 101 is bad. That Saturday (June 27th) we spent about 11 hours in the ER at the Hartford Hospital. Mostly waiting for them to transfer him to a room. The hardest thing was leaving him there. Thankfully he was not so sick that he was unaware what was going on or anything like that. I still did not like leaving him. It was so odd to be home without him for 4 days. We really didn’t know much about what was going on. All the test was clean. They finally sent him home with a diagnosis of it being a virus. At first they were going to keep him longer and run cat scans on his liver and lungs but the Infectious Doctor stepped in and said it was not necessary. He is doing very well now.
The night before Angel came home, David decided to fry some tuna rice rolls I had made. He turned on the stove, added some oil and stepped away from the kitchen for a minute. Anna and I were watching tv when we heard the smoke alarm. Sadly, it tends to go off often when making things like grilled cheese or frying a bit on higher temp. Well, Anna say flashing coming from the kitchen and yelled, “fire!”. What’s really bad is my mind went blank. I was trying to think of how to put it out. All I could remember was, no water. David ended up carrying the pan outside and I opened the grill so he could place it on there. I fanned it with a towel and it went out. The smoke was so horrible. We ended up staying outside for about 20 min or so, trying to calm our nerves. I have never seen that much flames before. Fire is one of the things I am must terrified off. I used to have nightmares when David was little.
After everything calmed down I went online and read.. Never carry a flaming pan. Oops! So do not follow our example here. It did say a lot of baking soda or cover with a lid to smother it. Now our lids are all glass, so I don’t think that would have ended well.. hmmm…
Just about a week later, I am working in the kitchen and I hear David say, there’s a bat in the house. It didn’t register til I saw a glimpse of something flying by. I can tell you if it was possible, I would have buried myself into the floor. I was stooping as low to the floor as I could while making this strange noise. It was so odd to hear myself! David told Ethan to go into Anna’s room and they locked the cat in there while attempting to catch the bat. David said it perched on the curtain rod in our big living room window, looked at him and then dropped. We could not find it anywhere.. we moved furniture, looked under radiator, everything. Even tipped our recliner upside down to see if it was inside it. Nothing. We finally gave up.
That night, around 8:30, Anna and I were watching a show. Angel was sleeping, when suddenly it was back. Circling the living room. Anna was yelling, I just wanted to get out of there. Even the cat was suddenly nervous. Unfortunately, all the yelling scared the bat away again. I told Anna if we watch tv, it would come back. About 15 min later, that is exactly what it did. Anna grabbed Popotan and ran into my room.
Here is a little video of the bat chase.
Later we found that she had put a towel under our bedroom door, then hid in our bathroom with another towel. Popotan even ran into the bedroom. Anna had heard Angel say the bat could get small enough to go under the door frames. When Popotan came out of the room, she was very cautiously walking around while looking toward the ceiling. It was hilarious to watch.
Now about 3 weeks later, Annaleah has a fever. Yesterday it was up to 103 which always makes me nervous. Thankfully her spirits were up, she was still able to argue with Ethan most of the day and was talkative. Last time she was sick (about 3 years ago) she barely spoke, didn’t eat and slept a lot. Today she is doing better although it seems to be creeping up a little. She woke up with 98.2 and now it is about 99.2. Will definitely be keeping an eye on her.
There were good things that happened over the last 3 weeks. I finally got my hearing aids fixed and can hear again! Anna got to do some ‘modeling’ of dance costumes for the studios costume catalog and she slept over her friend, Bri’s house for the first time.