
Friday, September 28, 2012

Five Question Friday–From Vacations to Subscriptions

1. Do you prefer to drive to your vacation spot or fly?

~I prefer the long car ride.  I love the scenery and the stops.  Not to mention being with family in the car.  I also do not like heights.  I have been in a plane and it wasn’t too terrible but I definitely prefer the drive. 

2. If you could live any where in the world, where would you go and why?

~Oh, this one is hard.  Someplace warm and not as cold so maybe the south.  Although traveling overseas would be wonderful I am not sure I would want to live there.  I lived in Florida for 8 years and loved it.  Puerto Rico sounds good too.  Way too hard of a question! 

3. Should grown women wear leggings?

~Sure, if worn appropriately.  Long shirts or short stylish dresses maybe.  You would not see me in them but I think they can look just fine on others. 

4. If you could change your name to any other name, would you? And what would it be?

~There was time in my life where I hated my name.  I wanted to be Cassandra, or even Beth.  I found out my mom was going to name me Koreen Kay and even that sounded better than plain ole Linda.  Then I stopped obsessing over the name and decided to just change the spelling.  So in jr. high I was Lynda.  It looked so much better and I just loved Lynda Carter.  I am back to the original Linda and I am fine with it.. Even the middle name Marie (which also sounds so plain to me). 

5. What magazines to you have subscriptions to?

~My husband subscribes to the TV Guide and I still keep getting Family Fun even though I have not paid for years.  So odd. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Week in Pictures -

The September List for the Photo Challenge is over at FatMumSlim


Day 10 – Hero

The Lord never leaves my side. 


Day 11 – Black & White


Day 12 – Together

Sautéed mushrooms and onions go together perfectly! 


Day 13 – Table

Homeschooling takes over our table during the day.


Day 14 – Favorite

My favorite lunch this week was Kimchee / Scallion Pancakes


Day 15 – First thing you see

First thing I see in the morning when I walk into the living room. 


Day 16 – Strange

This cat does not like to be cuddled at all. 

It was strange to see her relaxed with hubby. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012


We have started working in our nutrition book for school.  Our first cooking lessons was on avocados. Of course that means we get to make guacamole!


Got all our ingredients ready.  I found this tip on using a coat hanger to hold a recipe so it doesn’t get ruined.  It works perfectly. 

So we have :

  • 4 Haas Avocado
  • onion
  • tomato
  • cilantro
  • lemon
  • garlic cloves
  • salt and pepper


Of course you also need someone to make the recipe. 

Anna decided her hair needed a net.  She is just too cute. 



Cutting the avocado…


Scooping it out…




Mash those avocados really good..


She refused to cut the onions because she feared burning eyes, so I took care of that.  Here she is cutting the cilantro.




She did a great job with the tomatoes.


The recipe called for the juice of one lemon. 

We didn’t have lemons so we improvised a bit.




Anna had fun trying to use this little garlic mincer. 

It’s not as easy as it looks.



Anna tasted it and did not like it at all.  I loved it and enjoyed it with beef in a taco shell for dinner.  Yum!  I give her points for trying though. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Question Friday–From Wedding Dresses to Ice Cream

1. How long did it take for you to find your wedding dress? (Wedding dress pics anyone?)


~ I don’t remember it taking very long.  It was quite some time ago.  I do remember seeing it in a magazine and I just loved it.  I knew that it was not something I could afford so I went looking for a different dress.  Angel insisted that regardless of the cost, I buy the one I loved in the magazine.  After searching I finally gave in. 

2. Someone in your general vicinity releases a NASTY smelling fart. Do you say anything or blow it off?

~Totally depends on the person and where we are.  I would never want to embarrass someone in public, however, if it was among family.. I might joke around about it .. just a little. 
3. What is the scariest thing that happened to you or scared you recently?

~That would have to be my husbands failed liver transplant.  I honestly do not think I have ever been more terrified.  Although the memory of that big, black, hairy spider on me still sends shivers. 

4. Favorite brand and flavor of ice cream.

~That used to be easy!  Ben and Jerry’s Peanut Butter Cup, or Cherry Garcia.  Now however (being casein free) I am still working on it.  I have enjoyed SoDelicious.  Here is the next one for me to try. 


5. Are you able to sleep well in hotels?

~Normally, I don’t sleep well in other places.  However, I don’t seem to remember lying awake at any of the last few hotels we have been in.  So I guess I sleep pretty well.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ledyard Fair 2012

Last week was the Ledyard Fair.  An annual tradition in our town. 

Warning!  Tons of pictures ahead! 

Hubby decided to walk to the bank for cash because we found the perfect parking spot right across from the festivities.  So Anna and I hung around the library for a bit. 




Of course Anna found a furry little friend.  Sadly, I did not get a good close up. 


Anna loves the Carousel.  She went on it twice. 



This section has cows and sheep from local farmers. 



This little guy seems to be loving the attention.


It’s a Turkey! 


This geese was loud!  He followed us as we walked around yelling at us. 


Angel and the Llama 


Anna was too afraid to go anywhere near them. 


I just love these little baby goats. 


Hungry little things


Angel feeding the Llama. 


After watching daddy, Anna finally attempts to get close enough to find him.


The camel was huge, yet Anna had no problems getting close.


The donkey thought Anna had food and attempted to nibble her hand. 


After looking at the animals, of course Anna insisted that she needed to go on a pony. 


I was shocked at how she just swung right on, before the lady even got there to help her. 




We sat for a bit and watched this competition.  Apparently the lawn mowers are being pushed.  They seem to try to stay on the back wheels during the push because once the front goes down they seem to get stuck.  The winner is the one that gets the farthest.  It was interesting to watch. 


Anna decided to go on a few of the bigger rides.  She is like me and doesn’t like rides that go up in the air.  This is one of my favorite rides. 


Then she went on this rocking boat.


We found this booth selling these really cool hats.  Anna also got a t-shirt that says, “So what if I Pray like a girl”.  We grabbed some bun-less pulled pork from the Big Belly Kelly behind Anna.  They were really good. 


I asked for a Candy Apple and hubby brought me caramel, yum!  Unfortunately, caramel tends to have dairy in it.  I suffered a headache and some fogginess.. but it was good.


Anna, of course, went for her traditional cotton candy. 


There is Angel with his ice cream.


We can’t leave the fair before Anna gets to do some jumping. 


You are only supposed to go down this twice but it was late and the kids were just going up and down about 20 times. 


The Bears!


One last ride before leaving.  Right after I snapped this picture the power went out.  She never got to actually ride it.  She wasn’t a happy camper.

We were exhausted after 5 hours of walking.  It was a terrific time and I am sure we will do it all over again next year. 

Have you gone to any fairs lately?