
Monday, October 18, 2010

A better day..

I have been fighting depression all day Sunday and probably even longer.  This morning ended up pretty much on the same path but I was determined to work through it.  This is what I have accomplished today..

  • stripped and washed all bedding and remade bed
  • washed and dried a total of 6 loads of laundry
  • full day of school
  • cleaned my bedroom floors and picked up a ton of stuff
  • went through newspapers and magazines for recycling
  • decluttered the cubby area and set up Anna's daily school work in there.  (they were in a basket on the floor)
  • cleaned up some piles in the living room
  • completely cleaned off dining table (my laptop along with tons of other things have been living there for months.  we just sweep it out of the way at dinner but never clear it.  My laptop can no longer sit in the cubby because the fan doesn't work anymore.
  • Cooked a full dinner for Angel, Anna, Ethan, David and I.. including setting table and cleaning off table
  • Washed all dishes (except pan which is soaking)
  • cut David and Angel's hair
  • swept all floors and hair. 
  • treated Baby's paw.. poor thing. 
I honestly think I have done more today than I have in any week for the past few months. 

Tomorrow I would like to focus on baking..

  • muffins
  • soaked whole wheat bread
  • brownies
  • granola
I also hope to do another load of laundry, fold darks and wash kitchen floor. 

I am looking for a healthy muffin recipe.  I have some apples that badly need to get used.. I am thinking a recipe with maybe apples, whole wheat and oats?  Anyone have a recipe like that?  I would love ideas.  Since I am the only one to eat them I want to freeze them for quick breakfasts. 

I am tired and sore and going to catch up on YouTube vids for a bit. I am also late for a Monday Mingle.  Hopefully I can get that done tomorrow as well. 

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